The Texas Cornhole League is what is because of the different regions across Texas that we have. We have taken cornhole for a backyard game where people play with different rules and have made this into a sport that everyone across Texas is starting to play.
Each Region runs tournaments and leagues under the same rules. All of the regions use the same TCL Classic Bags. All of regions have boards that are certified by the TCL to insure that when you show up to a tournament no matter if it is in the biggest city in North Texas or a rural town in South Texas you will be playing with the same stuff.
We thank each of our regional directors for the hard working that they put into running each region under these standards.
Check out the region close to your home for Lonestar Tournaments and Weekly Leagues. Or check out a region that you plan on visting. And for those of who think that your area needs a TCL region make sure to contact us to get your area going.
Good luck! An make those Bags Fly Straight!

Fort Worth Region
South DFW Region
North Dallas Region
East Dallas Region
East Texas Region
ATX Central Texas Region
Alamo City Region
Houston Region